· USPS: ELM Revision – Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (fehb) Effective Octo, the Postal Service™ is revising the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), subchapter , Health Benefits Program, to update policy and procedures in accordance with Office of Personnel Management regulations and the Patient Protection and . Alamo Branch Krempen Ave. San Antonio, TX Phone () Fax () PLEASE ENSURE THAT WE HAVE YOUR CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS ON FILE. YOU MAY ALSO RECEIVE UP TO DATE INFORMATION VIA E-MAIL. JUST SEND THE BRANCH YOUR NAME AND E-MAIL ADDRESS. AND WE'LL BE GLAD TO ADD YOU TO . They include the M, M, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Administrative Support Manual (ASM), Postal Operations Manual (POM), as well as a selection of publications, management instructions, and a wide selection of handbooks, manuals and other documents. Some provisions may be under NALC challenge.
Major subject manuals are the basic source documents outlining Postal Service operational policies. Postal Bulletins, management instructions, handbooks, memorandums of policy, etc., instruct, explain, or detail the implementation of a specific policy or regulation. Unofficial Communications. They include the M, M, Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM), Administrative Support Manual (ASM), Postal Operations Manual (POM), as well as a selection of publications, management instructions, and a wide selection of handbooks, manuals and other documents. Some provisions may be under NALC challenge. If you wish to see versions of the ELM that were previously posted on this page, click on ELM Archives. If you wish to access an HTML version of the ELM, click on ELM HTML. To save ELM 51 locally on your computer, download this zipped file (elmzip) ( MB; 12 MB unzipped), which contains all ELM 51 PDF files.
1 Mac Future printed editions of Handbook M will include these revisions. Affected sections: H — Special Services. Postal Bulletin , 4/5. For Chapter I—United States Postal Service, the ''Domestic Mail Manual'', the ''Postal Service Publication 42, lations Manual (ELM) concerning. Postal Operations Manual. Contents xii. POM Issue 9, July Manual (ELM) Requests. Submit polling requests to Retail Operations.