MANUAL DEFROST CYCLE ACTIVATION To manually activate the defrost cycle, hold down the key for 5 seconds. If the defrost conditions are not satisfied: the parameter OdO ≠ 0 (EWPlus ///) - the evaporator probe Pb2 temperature is higher than the defrost end temperature (EWPlus /). ELIWELL EBS/TKS EWPC Pagina 1 ECR-Nederland B.V. Tel. +31 - Fax +31 EWPCT Bedieningsvoorschrift Ontdooiregelaar voor diepvriestoepassingen Algemene beschrijving De EWPC is een temperatuursregelaar die specifiek voor. Gebruikershandleiding EWPC TS tweetraps on/off pressostaat - neutrale zone - Televis (NL) 26 augustus , / kB Gebruikershandleiding EWPC A ontdooiregelaar ontdooing natuurlijke luchtcirculatie/alarm (NL) 26 augustus , / kB.
A number of parameters are displayed alphanumerically to set up the EWPC for each specific application. The EWPC is supplied in the popular "32x74" ELIWELL housing and is manufactured according to VDE and UL norms. The EWDR SLAVE ( version) is supplied in the 70x85 mm (4 modules) housing for Din-rail (Omega 3) or surface mounting and is manufactured according to VDE and UL norms. Operation. MANUAL DEFROST CYCLE ACTIVATION To manually activate the defrost cycle, hold down the key for 5 seconds. If the defrost conditions are not satisfied: the parameter OdO ≠ 0 (EWPlus ///) - the evaporator probe Pb2 temperature is higher than the defrost end temperature (EWPlus /). The EWPC is supplied in the popular tion is automatically removed from the pro- “32x74” ELIWELL housing. gramming menu. E.g.: a control for Thermocouple input will FRONT KEYPAD not offer parameters “Lci” and “Hci”. HOW IT IS MADE SET: pushed once the setpoint 1 value will d1: differential 1.
nahrazuje původní dělené regulátory. EWPC. s označením Master- Slave. Základní řídící jednotka IS. LX (master) je spojena se silovou EWEM (slave). Buy the ELIWELL EWPCT from after requesting a Call us at +1 () Eliwell EWPC T Temperature Controller With Dual Output. pdf - PROGRAMMING CONTROLLER “ELIWELL IC” DUAL CONTROLLER Programming Manual Release Date: July 5, Publication Number: INS Revision Date: .