Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Elf 16mm film projector N T 1 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!End date: . View and Download Eiki ELF N Series service manual online. 16mm Projector. ELF N Series projector pdf manual download. Also for: Eiki n series. · The Elf RM3 in addition to running optical sound tracks will also play, and record, on 16mm film which has a magnetic stripe. This forum has a manual which you can download for free. Click on my link below, and then click on 16mm projectors, and then scroll down to "Eiki RST/RT/RM Operators Service Manuals".
Excellent quality photocopy of the original owner's manual for the Eiki 16mm Sound Projector models NST-0, NST-1, NST-2, NST-3, NT-0, NT-1, NT-2 and NT This 26 page manual is printed on double sided /2" x11" heavy weight paper, folded and stapled in the center just like the original. EIKI ELF RST / RT / RM series X 16mm Sound Projector Operators Instruction Manual available. £ UK Post free Europe £3, Worldwide (Airmail) Post £ Buy Now (Purchase with Paypal) "SPECTO" OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS for mm Model (Includes Dual-Standard mm/16mm Version). These will need to be checked out in addition to the projector. 1. Open the latch on the front of the projector to remove the side cover. 2. Raise both Reel Arms until they click. 3. Make sure the Function Lever is in the STOP position, then connect the AC power cord into a standard wall outlet. A small lamp located beneath the lens will light.
Eiki RT-2 (16mm film - with optical an magnetic sound), Film projectors Eiki Models RST/RT/RM Series 16mm sound projectors Spare parts manual. Items 22 - 32 EIKI SSL/ESL projectors may in the future be improved or modified. Modifications made after the issue of this manual will be covered by Service. Instructions MANUAL for cine projector ELF ST-H M 16mm self threading ORIGINAL. 28x22cm. 20 pages. Excellent condition. We prefer PAY PAL - please pay within.