Manual operation Live image Reference or Navigation Operation conditions User log-in A C B E F D. 6 Variety of Information Obtained Secondary electrons are suitable for observation of surface structures. The electron gun developed by JEOL is a micro focus gun producing a very small electron source. The operation of the electron gun is fully. Electron Gun The electron gun produces an electron beam. Its con-struction is shown in Fig. 2. Note that this is a thermionic emission gun (TE gun). Thermoelectrons are emitted from a filament (cathode) made of a thin tungsten wire (about mm) by heating the filament at high temperature (about K). These thermoelectrons are gathered as anFile Size: KB. ELECTRON GUN Heater: (VAC or VDC) or as noted on tube Electrodes: to VDC Helmholtz Coils: VDC (ripple should be less than 1%) CAUTION: The voltage to the heater of the electron gun should NEVER exceed V, unless noted otherwise on tube. Higher voltages will burn out the filament and destroy the e/m tube. 6.
• The gun centring is formed by a system of the electromagnetic deflection coils under the gun. It is intended for the tilting of the electron beam emitted from the gun so that it enters in the axis of the optical system of the column. It is controlled by the procedure gun alignment. The gun is correctly centred if the middle, the. ELECTRON COOLING GUN MODULATOR MANUAL G. Saewert 6/6/05 Last Modification: 12/10/09 1 Introduction The output of the gun modulator is connected to the electron gun’s “control electrode”. It is by way of various modulator functions that the gun’s electron emission is controlled. Voltage on the control. The electron gun is the source of accelerated electrons. It consists of a suppressor, an extractor and an anode. The filament tip is connected to the negative electric potential while the anode is on zero potential. The filament tip is made of a tungsten wire with about µm radius sharp peak. The filament tip is fixed to the tungsten.
Oct 9, ) Electron gun: W or LaB6? ) Aligning the electron beam. ) Acquiring the analysis of an unknown in manual or automated. information described in this manual, please advise it to your JEOL service office. a Electron gun (Thermal electron emission type). for low or mid energy systems with FlexPanel controller.