Electrolux esl 4131 user manual

Downloading your User Manual. Our User Manuals database contains thousands of user manuals which can be downloaded easily. Every effort has been made to ensure that you can find your user manual, however, if our search doesn’t return any documents, contact our team who will be happy to help. *If your item was purchased outside of the United. ] Pomivalni stroj ESL NAVODILA ZA UPORABO Tehnicni podatki Dimenzije Sirina 44, 6 cm Visina 81, 8 - 87, 8 cm Najvecja globina 55, 5 cm Globina pri odprtih vratih cm Podatki so navedeni na tablici s podatki na robu vrat pomivalnega stroja Najmanj Najvec 50 kPa (0, 5 bar) kPa (8 bar) 9 pogrinjkov Elektricni prikljucek Napetost Skupna moc Varovalka Tlak vode . To find the user manual for your Electrolux appliance, you can search by model number below.

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