User manual for the Electro-Harmonix Synth9 Synthesizer Machine for Electric contain basic instructions that need to be followed during installation and operation. Before starting your appliance, the user manual should be read through carefully. Follow all the safety instructions and warnings, and be guided by the given recommendations. Electro-Harmonix THE WORM Multi-Functional Modulation Pedal WAH / PHASER / VIBRATO / TREMOLO All-analog multi-functional modulation pedal! [TABS] Description Modulation madness! The item must have all the original packaging, included accessories owner’s manuals and blank warranty card, no sign of wear or abuse. At the heart of the EHX Worm is a specially designed tone-bending engine that creates groundbreaking oscillatory effects. True bypass. Mode selectable analog modulation effects: wah, phaser, vibrato, tremolo. Manual mode removes the modulation so the effects can be swept by hand. Optional expression pedal sweep capability.
At the heart of The Worm is a specially designed tone-bending engine that creates groundbreaking oscillatory effects. Specs. True bypass. Mode selectable analog modulation effects: wah, phaser, vibrato, tremolo. Manual mode removes the modulation so the effects can be swept by hand. Optional expression pedal sweep capability. At the heart of the EHX Worm is a specially designed tone-bending engine that creates groundbreaking oscillatory effects. True bypass. Mode selectable analog modulation effects: wah, phaser, vibrato, tremolo. Manual mode removes the modulation so the effects can be swept by hand. Optional expression pedal sweep capability. the worm, like almost all electro harmonix equipment is very sturdy and full of character, with a bit of experimentation you can create many effects and tonal manipulations and the worm has a sound, even when switched off in an fx chain that will benefit your overall tone.. a brilliant buy!!!.
Effect Pedal Fully analogue multi-effects processor with phaser, tremolo, vibrato and a neo-modulated wah, At the heart of The Worm is a specially designed. as the Electro-Harmonix Pulsar that we currently manufactur: a tremolo pedal that allows significant control over the shape of modulating waveform. The Worm is four analog effects in one: Modulated Wah, Phaser, Tremolo and Vibrato. When this switch is set to MANUAL/EXP mode, the internal.